U odbranu utopije

  • Lyman Tower Sargent Department of Political Science University of Missouri-St. Louis USA
Кључне речи: neophodnost utopizma, opasnosti utopizma, realizam utopizma


U ovom radu zastupam tezu da, mada utopije mogu da budu opasne kada ih ideologija i religija izvitopere, preotmu da bi služile ekonomskim i političkim ciljevima bogatih i moćnih, ili izopače tako da bolji život bude dostupan samo odabranoj manjini, one su i neophodne, jer je nada/želja za boljim životom za sve jedini način da se prevaziđe izvitoperenost/preotimanje/izopačenje. U zaključku se odlučujem za „relativnu utopiju“ Albera Kamija, „realističku utopiju“ Džona Rolsa, ili ono što je u novije vreme Erik Olin Rajt nazvao „stvarnim utopijama“, a Rutger Bregman „utopijama za realiste“.


Almog, Shulamit, Amon Reichman. "On Law and Utopia: Rules vs. Principles - A Comment on Ramiro Avilés's Reply". Utopian Studies 14.1 (2003): 143-48.

Almog, Shulamit. "Literary Legal Utopias - Alexander's Visit to Kasiah and Law at the End of Days". Utopian Studies 12.2 (2001): 164-73. Cross Ref

Berlin, Isaiah. "The Apotheosis of the Romantic Will: The Revolt Against the Myth of an Ideal World". In The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas. Ed. Henry Hardy (London: John Murray, 1990), 207-37. Prvobitno objavljeno na italijanskom u Lettere italiane 27 (1975).

Berlin, Isaiah. Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West. Tokyo: The Japan Foundation, 1978. "The Decline of Utopian Ideas in the West". In The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas. Ed. Henry Hardy (London: John Murray, 1990), 20-48.

Camus, Albert. Neither Victims nor Executioners. Trans. Dwight Macdonald. Chicago: World Without War Publications, 1972. Originally published in Combat (1946) and trans. in Politics (July-August 1947).

Davis, J[ames] C[olin]. Utopia and the Ideal Society: A Study of English Utopian Writing 1516-1700. Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Frye, Northrop. "Varieties of Literary Utopias". In Utopias and Utopian Thought. Ed. Frank E. Manuel (Boston: Beacon Press, 1967/London: Souvenir Press, 1973), 25-49. Originally published in Daedalus 94.2 (Spring 1965): 323-47.

Fuller, R. Buckminster. Utopia or Oblivion. The Prospects for Humanity. New York: Bantam, 1969.

Hirschman, Albert O. A Bias for Hope: Essays on Development and Latin America. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971.

Polak, Fred[erick] L[odewijk]. The Image of the Future: Enlightening the Past, Orientating the Present, Forecasting the Future. Trans. Elise Boulding. 2 vols. Leyden, The Netherlands: A.W. Sythoff/New York: Oceana Pub., 1961. Originally published like De Toekomst is verleden tijd: Cultuur-futuristische verkenningen. 2 vols. Utrecht, The Netherlands: W. de Haan, 1955. Reprinted Shortened The Image of the Future. Trans. Elise Boulding. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1973.

Ramiro Avilés, Miguel Á[ngel]. "On Law and Utopia: A Reply to Shulamit Almog." Utopian Studies 14.1 (2003): 132-42.

Ramiro Avilés, Miguel Ángel. Utopía y derecho: El sistema jurídico en las sociedades ideales. Madrid: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Drecho Humanos 'Bartolomé de Las Casas/Marcel Pons Ediciones Jurídicas y Sociales, 2002.

Rawls, John. The Law of Peoples. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1999.

Sargent, Lyman Tower. Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis. 13th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2006.

Sargent, Lyman Tower. "Existentialism and Utopianism: A Reply to Frederick L. Polak". The Minnesota Review 6.1 (1966): 72-75.

Sargent, Lyman Tower. "The Three Faces of Utopianism Revisited". Utopian Studies 5.1 (1994): 1-37.

Talmon, Jacob. Utopianism and Politics. London: Conservative Political Centre, 1957.

Williams, George H[untston]. Wilderness and Paradise in Christian Thought: the Biblical Experience in the History of Christianity & the Paradise Theme in the Theological Idea of the University. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1962.

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