On Some English Modernist Travel Writing Models

  • Nataša Pavlović Факултет за машинство и грађевинарство у Краљеву, Универзитет у Крагујевцу
Кључне речи: English modernist travel writing, novelist, model, David Herbert Lawrence, Graham Greene, Lawrence Durrell


The increasing interest in the study of the travel writing genre has drawn more attention to the travel books written by renowned English novelists. In accordance with the polyvalent genre to which they belong, the importance of these works can be treated from different aspects. They possess their own literary value, make an indispensable aid to scholars from various fields and serve as significant signposts on the maps of their authors’ lives.
This paper focuses on the travel books written by D. H. Lawrence, Graham Greene and Lawrence Durrell. The initial hypothesis is that there is no unique English modernist travel writing model, and that each travelling novelist developed his own pattern of travel writing with numerous distinctive features weaved in its structure.
The period after the First World War incited a specific response by young English writers. Their travel books thus undoubtedly share certain common features. However, the features pertinent to Lawrence’s, Greene’s and Durrell’s travel books lead to the conclusion summarised as “one novelist – one travel writing model”, which may inspire further research enriched by other modernist writers’ travel books.


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